Work Based Learning 

Discover your career today with Dirt to Diva Productions, LLC.

2023 - 2024 Alabama Work Based Learning Best Practices Business

The stage is set, and we are ready to help you discover your next career path "passion." Dirt to Diva Productions, LLC. is next tier when it comes to assisting students in putting their dreams in motion! 

Discover your next work-based learning opportunity today!

Dirt to Diva Productions, LLC 

Proud Partner of

Alabama Works, Alabama Office of Apprenticeship, & Alabama Association of Colleges and Employers

Areas of Specialty

Dirt to Diva Productions lets you be the master of your career destiny! 

Production Training

Through a blend of hands-on training, industry mentorship, and immersive experiences, participants gain invaluable skills and insights crucial for success in the fast-paced entertainment industry. From pre-production planning to post-production editing, participants engage in real-world projects, building a comprehensive understanding of the production process. Through this program, Dirt to Diva Productions empowers individuals to transform their passion for entertainment into a rewarding career, equipping them with the tools and experience needed to thrive in the industry.

Communications and Marketing

Participate in hands-on experiences tailored to the communications and marketing needs of Dirt to Diva Productions, a leading entertainment company. Under the mentorship of industry experts, participants develop essential skills in branding, digital marketing, social media management, and public relations. Through real-world projects, workshops, and networking opportunities, participants gain practical experience while contributing to the success of Dirt to Diva Productions. This program equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the competitive field of entertainment communications and marketing.

Business Management 

Participants engage in hands-on experiences, collaborating with industry experts to learn key concepts in strategic planning, marketing, finance, and operations. Through real-world projects and mentorship, participants develop practical skills, gain industry insights, and build a robust network. The program equips individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the competitive landscape of business management, empowering them to transform ideas into successful ventures

Website Design & Development

Participants will learn industry-standard tools and techniques while working on real projects under the guidance of seasoned professionals. From concept to launch, participants will develop practical skills in web design, coding, user experience, and project management, empowering them to thrive in the fast-paced world of digital media. By the end of the program, participants will have a comprehensive portfolio and the expertise needed to pursue exciting careers in website design and development.

Graphic Design

Participants collaborate with industry professionals on real-world projects spanning diverse mediums, including film, television, and digital media. Through a blend of classroom instruction and practical experience, participants develop essential skills in graphic design, branding, and visual storytelling. By immersing themselves in the creative process and working on live projects, participants emerge equipped with the expertise and portfolio necessary to thrive in the competitive field of entertainment design.

Event Production

Dirt to Diva Productions' Event Production Work-Based Learning Program offers aspiring event planners and production professionals an immersive, hands-on experience in the dynamic world of event management. Participants receive comprehensive training in every facet of event production, from conceptualization and planning to execution and post-event evaluation. Participants work on real-world projects, gaining practical skills in venue selection, budgeting, logistics, vendor coordination, marketing, and client relations. Event specialty areas include: rodeos, concert productions, conferences, local events, and educational summits.

Equine Programs

The Dirt to Diva Productions Equine Work-Based Learning Program offers hands-on experience and skill development for individuals interested in the equine industry. Participants engage in a variety of activities, including horse care, grooming, training, and stable management, under the guidance of experienced professionals. Through a combination of practical training and classroom instruction, participants gain valuable insights into equine health, behavior, and management practices. This program provides an immersive learning experience tailored to individuals seeking to pursue careers in areas such as equestrian sports, equine therapy, or stable management.

Interested In Work Based Learning?

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